They drew to a halt before the single-story white frame house on Houston Street that served as headquarters for the Army of the Cumberland. Ethan waited under the watchful eye of his escort while the sergeant went inside. He soon reappeared and motioned Ethan to join him.
Ethan dismounted, looped his reins over the dilapidated wood fence, and trotted up the steps to the porch. The sergeant held open the door to one of the front rooms, then stepped back, closing the door between them.
A dark-haired man with general’s stars on his shoulders stood with his hands clasped behind him, gazing out the front window. He turned as the door clicked closed. His hairline had receded, leaving him with an exceedingly high forehead. He wore a closely trimmed beard, flecked with gray, but no mustache. He observed Ethan silently before speaking.
“I am General Reynolds, General Thomas’ Chief of Staff. I understand you’ve asked to see him.” Page 221
General Josheph Jones Reynolds |

The Kindrick House - General Thomas' Headquarters |